How to create a custom theme for QuickBioLink?
You can create your custom theme with our CMS.
There are mainly two folders.
1. public/templates/{theme-name}: Static assets are usually stored in the public folder in Laravel. You can create a new folder with your theme name to store all the theme assets (CSS, JS, and images). For the preview image of your theme, you need to add a preview.jpg file here.
2. resources/views/templates/{theme-name}: Views contain the HTML served by all the theme pages. All the view files will be stored here. You can create a new folder with your theme name to store the view files here. For a quick start, just copy the default (classic) theme, paste it, and rename the folder name with your theme name. And now edit all the files inside this folder to change your theme.
Folder Structure:

Note: Do not rename any file or edit the folder structure. Because these files are connected with the routes.
Go to admin > templates and here you can see your created custom theme.

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