Login to Google console
Create new project, and enable those APIs: Google Javascript Map API, Google Embed API
Get a key from: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/get-api-key
Follow these steps
Quickad Classified - How to upgrade (video)
1.The first you need download new version from codecanyon
2.extract QUICKAD-CMS-8.2.Zip (version number is random)
3.and now you can update site from admin panel
4.You can update your site automatically from Admin panel > Update and upload new version zip.
Facebook Login Configuration (video)
Facebook app is used in many cases, the most used case is Facebook login integration on the website. In this tutorial, we’ll provide the step-by-step guide to creating a new Facebook application. To implement login with Facebook on the website, you need to register an app in Facebook developers panel.You’ll get App ID and App Secret from the Facebook app, these details are required for authenticating your web application with Facebook.
To create the Facebook app, App ID, and App Secret, follow the below steps.
) and Save Changes.http://yourdomain.com/
) and Deauthorize Callback URL (https://yourdomain.com/includes/social_login/facebook/index.php
) and Save Changes.Congratulation! your apps creation has completed.
App ID and App Secret are needed for using the Facebook APIs. Check the following tutorials where we’ve used the App ID and App Secret for accessing Facebook Login API. Copy and paste in Admin > Setting > Site setting
Follow these steps.
You have to get a site key from https://www.google.com/recaptcha/
Once you got the site_key, you can add it in Admin panel > Settings > Google reCAPTCHA > reCaptcha key. and add reCAPTCHA Public Key and reCAPTCHA Private Key:.
Make a copy of /templates/{Themes-folder} folder, rename it, open /YOUR_THEME/theme-info.txt and change the details info there.
Once you have changed the info, save the file, go to you admin panel -> Change themes -> and you’ll find your theme there, under your theme name, click on activate me.
Quickad Classified - How to install (video)
Before install, Your server must match following requirements to run the script properly
PHP 5.6.0+ OpenSSL PHP Extension Mbstring PHP Extension PHP Fileinfo extension PHP Zip Archive PDO PHP Extension XML PHP Extension JSON PHP Extension Rewrite Module (Apache or Nginx)
Please consider that some other php setting values might be required.
open_basedir must be disabled
/includes/config.php 775
Create a new database on your mysql server, after unzpip the file you downloaded from CodeCanyon and upload the contents of QUICKAD-CMS-VER folder to your server root, usually /path/to/www/
or /path/to/html/
or /path/to/public_html/
Important: Make sure that .htaccess file got copied properly from the download to main QuickadClassified folder on your server.
Open your site in the browser.
It will redirect to /install directory (like http://mysite.com to http://mysite.com/install)
All is done Installation completed. click on frontend and enjoy with Quickad
1. You have to edit the .htaccess file as below:
DirectoryIndex index.php RewriteEngine On Options +FollowSymLinks Options -Indexes RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !-d RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !-f RewriteRule . index.php [L,QSA]
2. You have to edit your apache2.conf
file to allow rewrite. Your apace2.conf
file is located at /etc/apache2
On the file, find the location on file which says:
<Directory /var/www/> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None Require all granted </Directory>
and replace that with:
<Directory /var/www/> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks AllowOverride All Require all granted </Directory>
3. You have to enable the rewrite module. In your terminal write:
sudo a2enmod rewrite
Then RESTART apache2 for the changes to commit. The site will then show the internal pages.
sudo service apache2 restart
Paypal security header is not valid error message can be shown because of the following reasons:
Create new account in http://stripe.com
Go to account settings and setup your bank account.
One you’re done with your account info, go to API keys, and get the live keys.
Copy the keys, then save them on Admin Panel > Membership > Payment Methods > Stripe
How to enable allow_url_fopen
Edit your php.ini, find allow_url_fopen and set it to allow_url_fopen = 1
Or if you don't understand how to do this then contact to your hosting support team and enable the allow_url_fopen in your PHP configuration
Login to PayPal, then click here: https://developer.paypal.com/developer/applications/create
Set your app name, and email address and click Create App
On the top right side, you can see two tabs, SandBox and Live, click on live.
Copy the client id and secret id, then save them on Admin Panel > Membership > Payment Methods > Paypal
Check SMTP settings, enable less secure apps, and unlock Captcha:
How To Enable Email Sending In Gmail?
Note: It may take an hour or more to reflect any security changes
Description: User was unable to configure the SMTP e-mail server.
Typical SMTP server settings are as follows:
If Gmail blocks SMTP e-mails, then log in to Gmail account, navigate to Advanced Settings > Security > Less secure app access and click the toggle button to turn on Allow less secure apps option.
How to edit the language file text ?
If you want to change any text which show in frontend, you think this is not correct translation and thinking about to change/edit the content then this is the place where you can edit each text of frontend theme. for any languages.
Here is instruction how to edit the text.
This is the english language choose by user then
Go to in-front of english language and click on Edit english file text button
When you click on this button a new page will open with all text list.
If you want to change text for Arabic or any other language then follow same process.
You need to go back and click on Edit Arabic language file .
Easy & fast process for edit any language keywords.
Hope you like this article.