
Quicklancer- Freelance Marketplace PHP Script

How to install Quicklancer Before install, Your server must match following requirements to run the script properly PHP 7.2+ OpenSSL PHP Extension Mbstring PHP Extension PHP Fileinfo extension PHP Zip Archive PDO PHP Extension XML PHP Extensio ...

How to Upgrade Quicklancer Step 1:- Go to Cpanel Filemanager public_html/admin/uploadsStep 2:- Upload there QUICKLANCER-CMS-VERSION.zip file  (manually upload the zip file in admin/uploads folder via FTP or Cpanel.)Step 3:- After uploading completed ...

Google login configuration To enable Google Login you just need Google App ID and App Secret. This is a How to Create Google Developers Console Project.  Check this link. How to Create Google Developers Console Project Note : copy redirect url f ...

Facebook login configuration To enable Facebook Login you just need Facebook App ID and App Secret. how to getting Facebook App ID and App Secret. Check this link. How to Create Facebook App, App ID, and App SecretNote : copy redirect url from Your ad ...

Manage Custom Fields All demo custom fields are pre inserted on theme activation.  If you want to change it here is a custom fields management tool.  We integrate a custom fields management app in which you can easily create, drag-drop, edi ...

Troubleshooting SMTP Issues Basic Configuration for SMTP Server Problem Description: User was unable to configure the SMTP e-mail server. Solution Check the SMTP server settings.SMTP server address—Check the host name or network address of the ...

Edit languages file from admin panel How to edit the language file text ? If you want to change any text which show in frontend, you think this is not correct translation and thinking about to change/edit the content then this is the place where you can edit ea ...

Manage languages (Add Edit Delete) We have multi language management tool in our admin panel here you can add your choice of language and manage it, you can enable disable any time. QuickCMS is support all language. For add any language you need to go to Admi ...

How employer can pay to freelancer on Quicklancer php script Employer can pay via milestone payment.  Step 1 : Post project Step 2 : Accept bid of any freelancer  Step 3 : Create milestone payment Step 4 : Release milestone payment when freelancer work done, and (Freelancer can s ...

Manage Categories All demo category are pre inserted on theme activation.  If you want to change it here is a category management tool. We integrate a category management app in which you can easily create, drag-drop, edit, delete language ...