
1. How employer can pay to freelancer on Quicklancer php script

2. How to setup the PayPal payment method?

3. How to provide rating on Envato Marketplaces items

4. How to setup credit card payment methods?

5. Manage Categories

6. How to enable takeaway & how it work ?

7. Quickad installation guide

8. How to get PayPal API credentials username, password and signature?

9. How to install Quicklancer

10. Facebook login configuration

11. How can I create new themes?

12. How to Upgrade Quicklancer

13. How to setup a wildcard subdomain in QUICKCMS

14. How to create a custom theme for QuickBioLink?

15. Facebook login configuration

16. Security Header Not Valid When Setting up Paypal

17. 500 Internal server error – Solved

18. How to get Google Map API?

19. Update to Bookme 4.0

20. Quickchat Websocket Setup

21. Troubleshooting SMTP Issues

22. How I can setup Google reCaptcha?

23. Gmail SMTP setup

24. Edit languages file from admin panel

25. Manage Custom Fields

26. How to upgrade?

27. Warning: file_get_contents() allow_url_fopen issue

28. Manage languages (Add Edit Delete)

29. Google login configuration

30. How to create new membership package or plan?

1. How employer can pay to freelancer on Quicklancer php script

Employer can pay via milestone payment. 

Step 1 : Post project

Step 2 : Accept bid of any freelancer 

Step 3 : Create milestone payment

Step 4 : Release milestone payment when freelancer work done, and (Freelancer can set milestone status to mark as complete) so employer saw that and check the work on satisfaction release the fund.

Then freelancer got amount in his/her wallet


2. How to setup the PayPal payment method?

Login to PayPal, then click here:

Set your app name, and email address and click Create App

On the top right side, you can see two tabs, SandBox and Live, click on live.

Copy the client id and secret id, then save them on Admin Panel > Membership > Payment Methods > Paypal

3. How to provide rating on Envato Marketplaces items


Follow these steps.

  1. Go to your Downloads page.
  2. Find an item that you’d like to rate in the list of items you have purchased.
  3. Rate it! The item will be available for rating only after you have downloaded it. There will be an option to provide a star rating below the download button.


4. How to setup credit card payment methods?

Create new account in

Go to account settings and setup your bank account.

One you’re done with your account info, go to API keys, and get the live keys.

Copy the keys, then save them on Admin Panel > Membership > Payment Methods > Stripe

5. Manage Categories

All demo category are pre inserted on theme activation. 

If you want to change it here is a category management tool. 

We integrate a category management app in which you can easily create, drag-drop, edit, delete language translate on one page. 

Go to Admin panel > Category

As you can see in following screenshot.

6. How to enable takeaway & how it work ?

What is the takeaway?

a restaurant where food is ordered and made and is then taken away to be eaten at home or elsewhere.

How to enable it (for restaurants)?

To enable takeaway:  In Login in Frontend > Go to Dashboard > Manage restaurant now scroll down there you found an option to enable or disable takeaway order. Enable it and enjoy.

How to use it (for user/customer)?

First, make your order then view the order. You can see your selected order, you can increase the limit here. Also, you can choose your ordering type (On table/ Takeaway/ Delivery).

After selecting the takeaway or delivery option some extra form field will open for customer details and shipping address. you have to fill it and make your order complete.

7. Quickad installation guide


Quickad Classified - How to install (video)

Before install, Your server must match following requirements to run the script properly

PHP 5.6.0+
OpenSSL PHP Extension
Mbstring PHP Extension
PHP Fileinfo extension
PHP Zip Archive
PDO PHP Extension
XML PHP Extension
JSON PHP Extension
Rewrite Module (Apache or Nginx)

Please consider that some other php setting values might be required.

PHP.INI Requirements

open_basedir must be disabled

File and folder permissions

/includes/config.php        775

Create a new database on your mysql server, after unzpip the file you downloaded from CodeCanyon and upload the contents of QUICKAD-CMS-VER folder to your server root, usually /path/to/www/ or /path/to/html/ or /path/to/public_html/.

Important: Make sure that .htaccess file got copied properly from the download to main QuickadClassified folder on your server.

Open your site in the browser.

It will redirect to /install directory (like to

All is done Installation completed. click on frontend and enjoy with Quickad


8. How to get PayPal API credentials username, password and signature?

Follow these steps

1: Under Tools, More Tools – for latest PayPal interface

  1. Log in to your PayPal account
  2. Move your mouse over the Tools menu in top navigation. Find More Tools within that. And click it.
  3. Scroll the page till you see a box with API credentials written. Click on it.
    Go to Tools - All Tools and find an option for API credentials
  4. ShortcutClick on this link to directly open Tools page in your PayPal account.
  5. Once on the API credentials page, click on the last option for NVP/SOAP API integration.
    Last option - NVP / SOAP API access
    Last option – NVP / SOAP API access
  6. If this is the first time you are creating API credentials, complete the API Credential Request form.
  7. Once you’ve created the API credentials, you will see View API Signature option under NVP / SOAP API integration. Clicking on that will bring you to a page like the following screenshot. Click on each “Show” link to see API username, password and signature.
    View or Remove API signature
    View or Remove API signature
  8. Remember, API credentials are sensitive information. Store them securely and never share them with unauthorized people. In case you suspect a compromise, immediately remove API signature and create a new one – following the steps above.

9. How to install Quicklancer

Before install, Your server must match following requirements to run the script properly

PHP 7.2+
OpenSSL PHP Extension
Mbstring PHP Extension
PHP Fileinfo extension
PHP Zip Archive
PDO PHP Extension
XML PHP Extension
JSON PHP Extension
CURL PHP Extension
GD PHP Extension
EXIF PHP Extension
Rewrite Module (Apache or Nginx)

Please consider that some other php setting values might be required.

PHP.INI Requirements

open_basedir must be disabled
allow_url_fopen must be disabled

File and folder permissions

/install                    775
/storage                    775
/includes/config.php        775

Create a new database on your mysql server, after unzip the file you downloaded from CodeCanyon and upload the contents of QUICKLANCER-CMS-VERSION folder to your server root, usually /path/to/www/ or /path/to/html/ or /path/to/public_html/.

Important: Make sure that .htaccess file got copied properly from the download to main Quickalancer folder on your server.

Open your site in the browser.

It will redirect to /install directory (like to

All is done Installation completed. click on frontend and enjoy with Quicklancer

Don't forget to delete the install directory.

10. Facebook login configuration

Facebook Login Configuration (video)

Facebook app is used in many cases, the most used case is Facebook login integration on the website. In this tutorial, we’ll provide the step-by-step guide to creating a new Facebook application. To implement login with Facebook on the website, you need to register an app in Facebook developers panel.You’ll get App ID and App Secret from the Facebook app, these details are required for authenticating your web application with Facebook.

Facebook Apps Creation

To create the Facebook appApp ID, and App Secret, follow the below steps.

Congratulation! your apps creation has completed.

Setup for Quickad Classified

App ID and App Secret are needed for using the Facebook APIs. Check the following tutorials where we’ve used the App ID and App Secret for accessing Facebook Login API. Copy and paste in Admin Setting > Site setting

11. How can I create new themes?

Make a copy of /templates/{Themes-folder} folder, rename it, open /YOUR_THEME/theme-info.txt and change the details info there.

Once you have changed the info, save the file, go to you admin panel -> Change themes -> and you’ll find your theme there, under your theme name, click on activate me.

12. How to Upgrade Quicklancer

Note:- If the process does not work then it means the post_max_size value is very low in your server php.ini file. So edit below values in php.ini file or contact to your service provider.

memory_limit = 512M 

post_max_size = 512M 

upload_max_filesize = 512M

Zip Php Extension required for upgrade


13. How to setup a wildcard subdomain in QUICKCMS

Setting up a wildcard subdomain in QUICKCMS allows your website to respond to any subdomain (e.g., without needing individual configurations for each. This is particularly useful for dynamic product URLs in a SaaS environment. Follow these steps to configure wildcard subdomains in QUICKCMS:

1. Configure DNS Settings:

First, you'll need to create a wildcard DNS record to direct all subdomains to your server's IP address.

2. Configure Your Web Server:

Next, set up your web server to handle requests for these wildcard subdomains. The configuration steps depend on the web server software you're using.

For Apache:

For Nginx:

3. Verify the Setup:

Additional Considerations:

By following these steps, your server will be configured to handle wildcard subdomains effectively.

14. How to create a custom theme for QuickBioLink?

You can create your custom theme with our CMS.

There are mainly two folders.

1. public/templates/{theme-name}: Static assets are usually stored in the public folder in Laravel. You can create a new folder with your theme name to store all the theme assets (CSS, JS, and images). For the preview image of your theme, you need to add a preview.jpg file here.

2. resources/views/templates/{theme-name}: Views contain the HTML served by all the theme pages.  All the view files will be stored here. You can create a new folder with your theme name to store the view files here. For a quick start, just copy the default (classic) theme, paste it, and rename the folder name with your theme name. And now edit all the files inside this folder to change your theme. 

Folder Structure:

Note: Do not rename any file or edit the folder structure. Because these files are connected with the routes.

Go to admin > templates and here you can see your created custom theme.

For any other help create a support ticket.

15. Facebook login configuration

To enable Facebook Login you just need Facebook App ID and App Secret.

how to getting Facebook App ID and App Secret. 

Check this link. How to Create Facebook App, App ID, and App Secret

Note : copy redirect url from Your admin > Setting > Social login setting 

After getting App Id and App Secret, you have to setup your admin panel:

16. Security Header Not Valid When Setting up Paypal

Paypal security header is not valid error message can be shown because of the following reasons:

  1. You have set up live credentials and you have turned Test mode to ON. If you want to test you need to set TEST credentials and have Paypal Sandbox Account

  2. You have white spaces in your credentials.
    Eq.              api_username_123gjh123g – You see how much whitespaces after the Eq.

  3. You put wrong API credential in wrong place ex. API Signature data you put in the API Username field inside QUICKAD or QUICKJOB  or QUICKVCARD  or QUICKQR or QUICKHOMES CMS Paypal fields.

    17. 500 Internal server error – Solved

    1. You have to edit the .htaccess file as below:

    DirectoryIndex index.php
    RewriteEngine On
    Options +FollowSymLinks
    Options -Indexes
    RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !-d  RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteRule . index.php [L,QSA]

    2. You have to edit your apache2.conf file to allow rewrite. Your apace2.conf file is located at /etc/apache2

    On the file, find the location on file which says:

    <Directory /var/www/>    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks    AllowOverride None    Require all granted

    and replace that with:

    <Directory /var/www/>    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks    AllowOverride All    Require all granted

    3. You have to enable the rewrite module. In your terminal write:

    sudo a2enmod rewrite

    Then RESTART apache2 for the changes to commit. The site will then show the internal pages.

    sudo service apache2 restart

    18. How to get Google Map API?

    Login to Google console

    Create new project, and enable those APIs: Google Javascript Map API, Google Embed API

    Get a key from:

    19. Update to Bookme 4.0

    If you are using the Bookme 3.0 or older and want to install the Bookme 4.0, then read below; otherwise, you can install the plugin usually.

    Important: we recommend you to backup your website before making any update. Read more about WordPress backups here. And if you only want to backup your bookings then you can use the export feature on the booking page and save a backup on your computer.

    We developed Bookme 4.0 with a new architecture, so you need to follow the below steps for updating the plugin with the old Bookme data.

    1. Go to your WordPress admin > Plugins and deactivate the old Bookme plugin and delete the Bookme plugin folder from your site.
    2. Now upload the new plugin file and install the plugin.

    With this process, your old Bookme data will be used in Bookme 4.0.

    Important: Even though we test our code completely before any update, we cannot guarantee that there won’t occur any issues in your installation due to the work of other plugins.

    20. Quickchat Websocket Setup

    Quickchat Websocket Coming soon

    21. Troubleshooting SMTP Issues

    Basic Configuration for SMTP Server


    Description: User was unable to configure the SMTP e-mail server.


    1. Check the SMTP server settings.
      • SMTP server address—Check the host name or network address of the SMTP e-mail server. Typical SMTP server addresses or host names are as follows:
        • AWS
      • TLS—Check whether Transport Layer Security (TLS) option is enabled. This setting ensures that the information is transmitted over an encrypted channel. Not all SMTP servers support encryption. If TLS option is enabled for an SMTP server that does not support TLS, then disable the TLS option.
      • Port—Check with your e-mail service provider for the port number that the SMTP server listens to. Generally, port number 587 is used for a TLS connection and port number 25 is used for unencrypted connections.

      Typical SMTP server settings are as follows:

      •—Set TLS to No and port number to 25
      •—Set TLS to Yes and port number to 587
      •—Set TLS to Yes and port number to 465 or 587
    2. Check the SMTP authentication settings.
      • Check whether the e-mail server requires authentication. If yes, then specify the following options.
        • From Name
        • User Name
        • Password
        • From E-mail Address
        • NOTE :

        If Gmail blocks SMTP e-mails, then log in to Gmail account, navigate to Advanced Settings > Security > Less secure app access and click the toggle button to turn on Allow less secure apps option.

    3. Test SMTP settings by sending a test e-mail.If you are unable to send a test e-mail:

      1. Check the SMTP server settings to see if they match the SMTP server provider’s settings.
      2. Check authentication credentials.
      3. Check the SMTP server provider’s security settings for SMTP (for example: Gmail blocks SMTP email unless user selects less secure app settings on their gmail account).
      4. Check whether there is network access from CSO to the SMTP server.
      5. Check whether the firewall is blocking SMTP traffic to SMTP server or whether the ports are blocked. If the server settings and authentication settings are correct, check whether the firewall is blocking port 587 and 465 and SMTP traffic. If it is a case of the firewall blocking, then work with the network administrator to unblock ports 465, 587, and SMTP traffic.

    22. How I can setup Google reCaptcha?

    You have to get a site key from

    Once you got the site_key, you can add it in Admin panel > Settings > Google reCAPTCHA > reCaptcha key. and add reCAPTCHA Public Key and reCAPTCHA Private Key:.

    23. Gmail SMTP setup


    Check SMTP settings, enable less secure apps, and unlock Captcha:

    1. Confirm the form’s SMTP settings are correct.
    2. Enable access to Less secure apps.

    How To Enable Email Sending In Gmail?

    1. Before sending emails using the Gmail's SMTP Server, you to make some of the security and permission level settings under your Google Account Security Settings.
    2. Make sure that 2-Step-Verification is disabled.
    3. Turn ON the "Less Secure App" access or click here.
    4. If 2-step-verification is enabled, then you will have to create app password for your application or device.
    5. For security measures, Google may require you to complete this additional step while signing-in. Click here to allow access to your Google account using the new device/app.

    Note: It may take an hour or more to reflect any security changes

    24. Edit languages file from admin panel

    How to edit the language file text ?

    If you want to change any text which show in frontend, you think this is not correct translation and thinking about to change/edit the content then this is the place where you can edit each text of frontend theme. for any languages. 

    Here is instruction how to edit the text.

    This is the english language choose by user then 

    Go to in-front of english language and click on Edit english file text button

    When you click on this button a new page will open with all text list.

    If you want to change text for Arabic or any other language then follow same process.

    You need to go back and click on Edit Arabic language file .


    Easy & fast process for edit any language keywords.

    Hope you like this article.

    25. Manage Custom Fields

    All demo custom fields are pre inserted on theme activation. 

    If you want to change it here is a custom fields management tool. 

    We integrate a custom fields management app in which you can easily create, drag-drop, edit, delete language translate on one page. 

    You can set single custom fields for multi categories or assign to all categories.

    Go to Admin panel > custom fields

    As you can see in following screenshot.

    26. How to upgrade?

    Quickad Classified - How to upgrade (video)

    1.The first you need download new version from codecanyon
    2.extract QUICKAD-CMS-8.2.Zip (version number is random)
    3.and now you can update site from admin panel
    4.You can update your site automatically from Admin panel > Update and upload new version zip.

    27. Warning: file_get_contents() allow_url_fopen issue

    How to enable allow_url_fopen 

    Edit your php.ini, find allow_url_fopen and set it to allow_url_fopen = 1

    Or if you don't understand how to do this then contact to your hosting support team and enable the allow_url_fopen in your PHP configuration


    28. Manage languages (Add Edit Delete)

    We have multi language management tool in our admin panel here you can add your choice of language and manage it, you can enable disable any time. QuickCMS is support all language.

    For add any language you need to go to Admin panel > Languages click on that 

    Page will open here screenshot added

    How to add new language?

    You can see Add Language button top right corner. click on that for add any new language.

    A sidepanel will open in this form you need to write all details related to your language which you adding

    Language name - Write here your language name in text

    Language Code (ISO 639-1) - Write here your language code ex: en

    Direction - Select language direction LTR or RTL  

    Active - This is for enable/disable the language

    Screenshot : 

    How to Edit new language?

    Here a screenshot provide with written details and steps. Just simple click on edit button and edit details later save it.

    Hope you like this article.

    Related Article : How to edit the language file text ?

    29. Google login configuration

    To enable Google Login you just need Google App ID and App Secret.

    This is a How to Create Google Developers Console Project. 

    Check this link. How to Create Google Developers Console Project

    Note : copy redirect url from Your admin > Setting > Social login setting 

    After getting App Id and App Secret, you have to setup your admin panel:

    30. How to create new membership package or plan?