
Quickad - ­Classified Ads CMS PHP Script

How to get Google Map API? Login to Google console Create new project, and enable those APIs: Google Javascript Map API, Google Embed API Get a key from: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/get-api-key

How to get PayPal API credentials username, password and signature? Follow these steps 1: Under Tools, More Tools – for latest PayPal interface Log in to your PayPal accountMove your mouse over the Tools menu in top navigation. Find More Tools within that. And click it.Scroll the page ...

How to upgrade? Quickad Classified - How to upgrade (video) 1.The first you need download new version from codecanyon2.extract QUICKAD-CMS-8.2.Zip (version number is random)3.and now you can update site from admin panel4.You can update your ...

Facebook login configuration Facebook Login Configuration (video) Facebook app is used in many cases, the most used case is Facebook login integration on the website. In this tutorial, we’ll provide the step-by-step guide to creating a new Facebook a ...

How to provide rating on Envato Marketplaces items Follow these steps. Go to your Downloads page.Find an item that you’d like to rate in the list of items you have purchased.Rate it! The item will be available for rating only after you have downloaded it. There will be an ...

How I can setup Google reCaptcha? You have to get a site key from https://www.google.com/recaptcha/ Once you got the site_key, you can add it in Admin panel > Settings > Google reCAPTCHA > reCaptcha key. and add reCAPTCHA Public Key and reCAPTCHA Private Ke ...

How can I create new themes? Make a copy of /templates/{Themes-folder} folder, rename it, open /YOUR_THEME/theme-info.txt and change the details info there. Once you have changed the info, save the file, go to you admin panel -> Change themes -> and you ...

Quickad installation guide Installation Quickad Classified - How to install (video)Before install, Your server must match following requirements to run the script properly PHP 5.6.0+ OpenSSL PHP Extension Mbstring PHP Extension PHP Fileinfo exte ...

500 Internal server error – Solved 1. You have to edit the .htaccess file as below: DirectoryIndex index.php RewriteEngine On Options +FollowSymLinks Options -Indexes RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !-d RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !-f RewriteRule . ...

Security Header Not Valid When Setting up Paypal Paypal security header is not valid error message can be shown because of the following reasons: You have set up live credentials and you have turned Test mode to ON. If you want to test you need to set TEST credentials and ...

How to setup credit card payment methods? Create new account in http://stripe.com Go to account settings and setup your bank account. One you’re done with your account info, go to API keys, and get the live keys. Copy the keys, then save them on Admin Panel > M ...

Warning: file_get_contents() allow_url_fopen issue How to enable allow_url_fopen Edit your php.ini, find allow_url_fopen and set it to allow_url_fopen = 1Or if you don't understand how to do this then contact to your hosting support team and enable the allow_url_fopen in ...

How to create new membership package or plan? For Package : Admin Panel > Membership > Package and click Add packageFor Plan : Admin Panel > Membership > Plan and click Add plan

How to setup the PayPal payment method? Login to PayPal, then click here: https://developer.paypal.com/developer/applications/create Set your app name, and email address and click Create App On the top right side, you can see two tabs, SandBox and Live, click on ...

Gmail SMTP setup Solution Check SMTP settings, enable less secure apps, and unlock Captcha: Confirm the form’s SMTP settings are correct.Enable access to Less secure apps. How To Enable Email Sending In Gmail? Before sending emails us ...

Edit languages file from admin panel How to edit the language file text ? If you want to change any text which show in frontend, you think this is not correct translation and thinking about to change/edit the content then this is the place where you can edit ea ...

Troubleshooting SMTP Issues Basic Configuration for SMTP Server Problem Description: User was unable to configure the SMTP e-mail server. Solution Check the SMTP server settings.SMTP server address—Check the host name or network address of the ...